Today, I shall write the companion piece to that post. I will expand upon the act of reading with my daughter, offering you a peek inside the world of the books that we have shared. I will conclude with a story that means a lot to me; one that I have shared before in situations where good-byes are in order.
When Leah was three years old and younger, our bedtime story ritual consisted of the two of us cuddling together on the floor or on a cozy chair and reading three picture books together. We had a vast library at our finger tips from our own collection and from those books we borrowed, twenty at a time, from our public library. Some books were read once and put aside, others were read, over and over again and still have a place on our bookshelves to this very day. With each nightly session, Leah grew more familiar with the conventions of books; how the text flows from left-to-right, how the illustrations compliment the text and add depth to the author's meaning, how sentences were structured and what wonderful language there is in the world.

When we exhausted that series, Leah turned her eyes toward a much better series by Mary Pope Osborne, called The Magic Tree House. This series revolves around two siblings, Jack and Annie, who travel through time via books found in a magic tree house that appears in the woods by their home. Through this series of introductory chapter books, Leah was introduced to all sorts of historical events and famous historical people. The books were short enough that we could read them and still have energy left over to follow our curiosity and check out the real stories behind the fiction described in these books. The books were written by Osborne with the goal of introducing history to children in a way that would entertain, as well as, educate. She has succeeded very well. They are excellent books for beginning chapter book readers, as well as, being an excellent introduction to history from all around the world.

Hot on the heels of that series, we came across an awarding book called Chasing Vemeer by Blue Balliett. We didn't know that this was a series until we were finishing up the first book and looking for others by the same author. Chasing Vermeer concerns three children who live in Chicago and end up involved in a mystery that revolves around a painting by the Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer entitled, The Lady Writing.

Again, the children use intelligence and courage to piece together the clues to who is involved and what is behind the theft of this painting. Again, the historical fiction genre proved to be right up Leah's alley and she enjoyed this book thoroughly, as did I. The two follow-up books were equally good. The Wright Three was about a mystery at a famous house built in Chicago by famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright, called Robie House. The third book was called The Calder Game and had, as its' focus, famous sculptor Alexander Calder. All three books involved mathematics, art, poetry and seeing the patterns that exist in numbers, geometry and Nature. These books were accessible reads for any child but, would really be appreciated by intelligent students because intelligent students were being featured and celebrated throughout the series.
In between the Magic Tree House and Titanic, Leah and I read the entire Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I have saved this series for the conclusion of my post because it was the most special out of all the times we have spent together reading books.
As noted at the beginning of this post, Leah and I reading together has become woven in the fabric of our lives. It is part of our relationship together that we both treasure. We read together because we

As this is the final post in the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge, let Damn You, Laura Ingalls serve as my farewell.
Damn you, Laura Ingalls!!!
A pioneer life,
lovingly revealed,
each night
in the soft glow of lamplight.
My young daughter's body
melts into mine,
as Pa covers Laura with blankets of fur
to keep winter's chill at bay.
Builder of homes, provider of food, protector of the family,
Laura's Pa can do anything.
That I can, too, is confirmed
by her hand reaching for mine as we read.
We are comfortable in the warmth of her pink bedroom,
flannel jammies and slippers, too.
Yet we feel the bitter winds of The Long Winter
And thirst for sunshine,
in the starlight,
in our home.
Pa warms up the fiddle
"In the starlight, in the starlight..."
Together they sing.
Together we hug and whisper in time to Pa's tune.
We smile. Our hearts fill.
As did the Ingalls that night, so many lifetimes ago.
The bonds of family.
The foundation of Home.
Timelessly on display
in the pages of our most treasured of books.
The lessons, obvious.
Her small heart beats with vigor.
She is ever becoming Laura;
stronger, more able, more a young woman
With dreams,
..........with dreams.
With dreams that cause my heart to ache.
Pa helps Laura into Almanzo's wagon.
I stop reading aloud.
She turns,
her eyes to mine.
I have to juggle my many emotions,
managing to meekly clear my throat.
Together we watch that wagon drive away
Damn you, Laura Ingalls!
The story of family and of trails blazed across space and time
is now a road map for my daughter;
a way forward,
a yardstick for her to measure success and love.
The final pages read.
I tuck her gently under a downy comforter.
A tender kiss.
A lamp turned off.
"Daddy loves you," I say in the darkness.
"I love you, too, Daddy."
I leave the room
and her,
to her dreams,
whatever she makes them to be.
As we say good-bye, Leah has shown an interest in The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S.Lewis. We have started off with The Magician's Nephew. These books are a definite intellectual step up, just like Peter Pan was an intellectual step up from the picture books we used to read together. After the first four chapters, I stopped and told Leah that if she felt the storyline was too scary or too hard to understand, that we could stop. She replied, without hesitation, "It is the exact opposite, Daddy. I love it and can't wait to find out what happens next. "

Like a flower, Leah's mind blossoms and turns toward the light as we continue to read together; time standing still.
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